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Account Management
“Farming your best accounts only happens when you put the time and thought into understanding them.”
Build credible sales strategies to develop your accounts to their full potential; accurately analyse your markets to better understand your customers and confidently forecast future sales.-8- -7- -9--10- -
“Allowing assertiveness to spill over into aggression is never acceptable. This programme makes sure that you understand the difference.”
Become more assertive, both in and out of the workplace, by achieving the right balance of firmness and fairness. Learn how to say no effectively, and to give and receive feedback in a productive way.-15- -16- -14--17- -
Body language & building rapport
“People send signals through their body language and if you can recognise them, that’s a great indicator of emotional intelligence.”
Learn techniques to create the impression you want. Understand the impact of your body language and behaviour patterns; meet others with confidence and build rapport with them.-15- -18- -19--17- -
“Without a budget, how can you know where you’re going. Every Leader and Manager needs this information.”
Eliminate errors when preparing budgets to avoid financial problems; learn to analyse variances so that corrective action can be taken and you can evaluate performance with confidence.-8- -7- -9--20- -
Building a Vision
“Having a clear vision is essential to reassure employees that their Leaders know where they’re going. It motivates and engages.”
Work with others to define the purpose, values and mission for your team. Understand the motivational impact of having a clear vision that can be articulated to stakeholders.-21- -9--22- -
Building sales relationships
“An effective relationship doesn’t happen by accident – it takes thought and planning as well as great execution.”
Work collaboratively to achieve great success by adding value to your key customer relations. Develop plans for improving existing relationships and preventing conflict.-23- -7- -18--17- -
Building Trust
“Trust is the foundation of strong relationships and is vital at every level of an organisation or team.”
Understand the core components of building trust and the behaviours that support and destroy it. Recognise the importance of trust in developing sustainable relationships.-18- -19--17- -
Closing the sale
“It’s surprising how many people put all of the hard work in to a sales pitch and then forget to ask for the business. Now they’ll never forget.”
Understand how to differentiate your offering from that of the competition and add value; recognise and respond to buying signals using proven closing techniques.-24--10- -
Communication (Foundation)
“Much more than ‘Comms 1.01’ this will provide a clear understanding of the transactional nature of effective communication.”
Developing your own style using the building blocks of listening, questioning and non-verbal behaviour to get your message across in conversations and more formal presentations.-15- -14- -19--17- -
Conflict Resolution
“Disagreement and conflict can be destructive forces and block business success. Having a proven set of tools, techniques and strategies to navigate this landscape is invaluable.”
Bring structure and process to conflict situations while learning about effective behavioural responses to challenge, anger and disagreement. Understand the principles of emotional control together with the psychology of negotiation and win/win outcomes.-23- -15- -34- -18--26- -17- -
Consultancy Skills
“This is the core toolkit for operating effectively as a Consultant.”
Deliver value throughout a consultancy assignment using proven techniques to achieve accurate problem definition, thorough information gathering, creative solution generation and effective implementation.-8- -7- -27--28- -
Consultative Sales
“Recognising the difference between selling a service and selling a product is just the start – this will enable you to transition to become a Trusted Advisor.”
Learn techniques to understand customer needs and develop a relationship as a ‘Trusted Advisor’. Align your offering with the client’s business objectives to ‘build the need’ and negotiate from a win-win perspective.-8- -27- -19--10- -28- -
Coping with Stress
“Having strategies that enable you to deal with challenging situations is vital to being able to bounce back.”
Protect yourself from the damaging impact of stress by building resilience and developing plans for working under pressure and supporting others around you.-29- -30--17- -
Creating High Performing Teams
“Teams that deliver are fundamental to business success. Those that perform at the highest level define the great organisations.”
Drive the performance of your team by cultivating a successful working environment. Manage different personalities, communicate effectively and deliver coaching that empowers individuals.-25- -18- -31--26- -
Cultural Awareness
“In today’s diverse organisations, emotional intelligence is most often required to fully appreciate cultural difference.”
Understand other cultures and their different approaches to everything from body language to levels of formality, so as to develop sound global relationships.-18--17- -
Customer Service Skills
“The customer experience has to be at the forefront of everyone’s mind and it takes skill to execute well.”
Create positive service experiences by managing and exceeding customer expectations to drive customer loyalty and brand reputation. Turn customer complaints into satisfaction.-8- -27- -18--10- -
Effective sales negotiation
“The effort should go into a ‘win-win’ outcome if at all possible, then the outcome will suit everyone.”
Learn how to persuade your customer that they have reached your bottom line by considering alternative negotiable variables. Structure the negotiation from planning and implementation to achieving a win-win.-14- -34- -7--10- -
Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
“Understanding how you come across to others is the most important building block for working with people; it informs your own behaviour which influences the choices you and others make.”
Recognise the core EQ competencies and how they impact on the relationships you have with Team Members, Peers, your Manager and customers/partners. Explore the neuroscience of self-regulation and the emotional triggers that prevent you from acting in a deliberate or intentional way.-15- -18- -19--17- -
Face to face selling skills
“Learn to use all of your assets when in front of your client and get to your preferred outcome.”
Structure and control sales meetings with confidence by learning how to build rapport, present products and services in a compelling way, overcome objections and close.-24- -15- -18--10- -
“Arguably the Manager’s most powerful tool for managing performance and developing capability.”
Make feedback an integral part of your working day and something people look forward to receiving. Adopt a development mindset and delivery style that ensures your feedback ‘lands’ and is acted upon.-16--26- -
Field Sales Workshop
“This is the toolkit that gives you everything that you need to be effective.”
Identify and get appointments with the key decision makers of your prospects. Plan sales meetings and recognise different buyer behaviour and criteria. Present products or services persuasively, handle objections and close.-24- -15- -7- -37--10- -
Finance for Non-Financial Managers
“You will be able to understand budgets, P&L and Balance Sheets and make sense of management accounts.”
Understand key indicators for interpreting financial statements and appraising investments; make informed business decisions about reporting, control, budgeting and compliance. l-8- -38--20- -
Handling Complaints
“Who ever knew that by handling a complaint effectively, you can make your customer relationship even stronger?
React calmly and positively to difficult customers by understanding the causes of challenging behaviours. Learn to respond professionally without entering into arguments.-15- -27- -18--10- -
Influence and Persuasion
“In a matrix organisation, getting things done without the authority of job title or hierarchy is key.”
Practise a variety of techniques for winning people over to your way of thinking by exercising your personal power (rather than your professional power).-15- -14- -18--22- -
Inspirational Leadership
“Realising the importance of authenticity when developing trusting relationships is a real, breakthrough.”
Modify the way others perceive you, to increase their willingness to follow your lead; express authentically what you stand for and thereby inspire them to follow.-15- -14- -18--22- -
Leadership Communication
“Taking people with you because they are moved by your message is a skill that you can develop.”
Learn how to communicate effectively from a position of authority, giving Leaders the skills to inspire and motivate their team to achieve performance improvement while retaining respect.-15- -21- -19--22- -
Leading Virtual Organisations
“The ‘virtual organisation’ is here to stay and that demands a special kind of leadership that inspires, energises and builds trust in a sustainable way and this workshop shows you how.”
Promote virtual collaboration, using facilitation to find simpler ways of working whilst encouraging creativity. Establish an engaging communication cadence that balances trust, empowerment and control. Build community so that productivity aligns with sustainable wellbeing.-15- -32- -14- -9--22- -
Managing and Leading Change
“Change is always unsettling so to have a plan and a process to minimise that stress is wonderful.”
Deal with organisational change by taking advantage of opportunities and avoiding pitfalls. Recognise personal reactions to change and how to self-determine your future.-8- -39- -18--26- -
Managing Meetings
“Having to attend and run so many meetings in the new virtual world has become much easier since I learned these ‘golden rules’.”
Finish meetings knowing that they have met their objectives, run to time and left people thinking that it had been worth being there. Learn how to start strongly, keep control and making your own contribution effective.-15- -7- -18--26- -
Managing Remotely
“With more and more teams working flexibly and across multiple time zones, Managers need clarity about how to bring out the best in everyone.”
Learn how to build trust when geographically separate from your team so that you can compensate for reduced social learning opportunities. Understand the challenges of increased organisational risk because of less interaction and the blurring of work and personal life boundaries.-32- -21- -31--26- -
“The recognition of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivators is the key to keeping everyone engaged.”
Develop practical strategies to motivate teams for optimum performance by recognising common de-motivators and discovering effective communication techniques to align objectives.-15- -21- -7--26- -
“Reaching agreement so that everyone feels that they have got a deal that they are happy with is a great skill.”
Confidently negotiate to achieve an outcome that benefits everyone by preparing effectively, appreciating the available tactics and understanding the different positions of the parties.-15- -34- -7--17- -
Objection Handling
“Discover a process for dealing with objections in a way that makes closing the sale so much more straightforward.”
Identify the objections of your customers so that you can determine their legitimacy. Apply a proven technique for dealing with the price objection a process for other objections.-8- -15- -27--10- -
Practical Telephone Sales Skills
“Making a good impression over the telephone, or over a video conference call, is all about preparation and following a clear process.”
Adopt the right behavioural strategies in structured sales calls that reach successful conclusions. Learn to control calls and use positive language to promote products and services.-24- -15- -18--10- -
Presentation Skills (Advanced)
“Take your skills to the next level by learning how to control your audience, no matter how awkward they are.”
Overcome presentation worries and deliver powerful presentations with real impact. Stay in control and deal confidently with complex questions or difficult audiences.-15- -40- -27--17- -
Presentation Skills (Foundation)
“Learn about the core skills that will enable you to make an immediate impression on your audience and get your key messages across.”
Effective presentation skills are the key to communicating ideas confidently and persuasively. Begin with planning and preparation and structure content for clarity and retention.-15- -40- -27--17- -
Public Speaking
“When you don’t know your subject matter, public speaking is a challenge. When you do, it’s just like having a conversation.”
Deliver impactful talks to maximise the effectiveness of your speaking. Learn effective breathing techniques and how to strike the right pitch and avoid the obstacles of clear presentation.-15- -37--17- -
Relationship Building
“Whether you are leading, managing, selling or collaborating you need to have strong relationships that are built on trust and emotional intelligence.”
Learn the skills that the most effective networkers use to make sure that they have the best working relationships: identify and get to know the people that matter; build and maintain their trust.-15- -18- -19--17- -
“In these challenging times, the ability to deal with setbacks, without it adversely affecting performance is more than valuable – it’s essential.”
Develop a positive mindset with practical steps for expanding your inner focus and drive, orientation to the future, relationships, emotional wellbeing and physical health. Handle life's challenges with the strength and positivity that fosters growth.-29--17- -
Sales Coaching
“The best salesmen don’t necessarily make the best sales coaches. There’s a process to add to sharing advice and tips.”
Differentiate the use of coaching, mentoring and counselling as tools for driving performance. Structure coaching sessions and use various coaching styles for different people, tasks and situations.-25- -15--10- -
Sales Management
“Managing sales teams requires structure, process, investment and support. Without a total commitment to it, the results won’t come.”
Accurately analyse sales opportunities and pipelines as the platform for coaching to higher levels of performance. Drive revenue and the execution of the sales process by the sales team. l-8- -15- -21- -7--10- -
Strategic Planning
“The ability to see the big picture, coupled with a proven process, makes strategy nothing to be feared.”
Drive the strategic direction of the team or the business by building a vision aligned to high level goals and translating that into a deliverable plan of priorities and actions.-15- -7- -9--22- -
Talking the same language
“One of the core skills of emotional intelligence is managing the way you come across to others so that they listen to you.”
Understand client needs and match your offering to them in a persuasive manner; tailor your preparation, communication style and pitch to the client's brief and maximise relevance and interest.-15- -18--10- -
Time Management
“You can’t create time, but you can make time for yourself if you follow some simple principles.”
Manage your workload in a more productive and intelligent way and make sure that no task is overlooked by learning how to prioritise, how and when to say no and how to maintain the improvement.-7--17- -
Tough Conversation
“The hardest conversations can still be the most successful and impactful if your preparation is followed by insightful execution.”
Difficult conversations at work require planning, sensitivity and clarity to get the best outcomes. Recognise the right mindset and learn how to use the appropriate style and tone to resolve conflict.-15- -16- -18--26- -
Train the Trainer
“Training is often about the transfer of skills. This workshop does the same thing.”
Recognise different training approaches and learn to structure engaging sessions to meet various learning styles. Understand the importance of visual aids and different facilitation/delivery approaches.-8- -41- -37--42-